Parents of children with
Special Needs: On-Demand Courses
Designed to help explain and teach the 7 steps and its implementation
Course P1
The 7 Steps from Principles to Application (P1)
$250 $179
Parenting Course P1 of the “Be Your Child’s Best Teacher” series offers parents of children with and without disabilities an opportunity to see Robert present over 4 hours of guidance and information related to the basic behavioral principles and his “7 Steps to Earning Instructional Control,” as they would be most useful to you in your home and community settings.
Need to buy for someone else? Go to Group Sales
Length: >4 hours
Course P2
Creating an Action Plan and/or Token Economy to Support Instructional Control (P2)
$250 $199
Parenting Course P2 of the “Be Your Child’s Best Teacher” series offers parents of children with and without disabilities an opportunity to see Robert present over 3 hours of important information about how to organize your daily environment best implement the 7 Steps in a home based program.
Need to buy for someone else? Go to Group Sales
Length: 3 hours (*prerequisite course P1)
Course P4
Fading Your Token Plan and Trusting the 7 Steps (P4)
Parenting Course P3 of the “Be Your Child’s Best Teacher” series offers parents of children with and without disabilities an opportunity to see Robert present 2 hours of important information about how to assess your current plan and adjust it as necessary to help maximize your success.
Length: 1.5 hours (*prerequisite P3)
Course P3
Assessing and Adjusting Your Plan for Maximum Success (P3)
Parenting Course P3 of the “Be Your Child’s Best Teacher” series offers parents of children with and without disabilities an opportunity to see Robert present 2 hours of important information about how to assess your current plan and adjust it as necessary to help maximize your success.
Need to buy for someone else? Go to Group Sales
Length: 1.5 hours (*prerequisite course P2)
- All 3 parent courses can be purchased for $297 (over $200 savings)
NOTE: You should consider whether or not you are a self-starter and able to adapt learned information easily before choosing both on-demand courses and online coaching together.
"Motivation and Reinforcement: Turning the Tables on Autism" book is the ultimate guide to home based autism intervention. It is a forward-thinking guide that translates the Verbal Behavior Approach to ABA into everyday language. With over 400 pages of material including new Chapters on Social Skills, Behavior Plans, Token Economies, and Advanced Instructional Control methods, this book is a must have even for those who own the 2006 version. International ABA/VB presenter Robert Schramm, explains how you can keep your child engaged in motivated learning throughout his entire day without forcing participation, blocking escape, or nagging procedures. M&R is the full realization of modern ABA/VB Autism Intervention and a great resource for parents, teachers, and therapists working with a child with autism as well as BCBA’s looking for ways to improve their approach.
*Lulu print on demand allows for immediate printing and delivery from your country or region.
*E-book options coming soon.