Parents of children with

Special Needs

Depending on your available resources and learning preferences, we have 3 ways to share with you the 7 Steps to Earning Instructional Control, as well as assessments, teaching methods and program recommendations.



We offer several courses for families of children with disabilities including our 3 course on-demand course sequence.

*Course purchase gives you access to course for 90 days with an option to repurchase at a discounted rate



Schedule live online coaching with one of our team members who can take you through the system, answer your questions and help you individualize your approach. *You will also receive access to the corresponding on-demand course for 90 days with your purchase



Schedule an in-home consultation where we come to you and can show you first-hand how the program looks and is run in your own home.

"Motivation and Reinforcement: Turning the Tables on Autism" is the complete guide to teaching with the Verbal Behavior Approach to Applied Behavior Analysis as it would be recommended by Robert. Whether you have a child with Autism or any disability at all, this book is loaded with easy to follow teaching guidelines, tips and recommendations.

*Lulu print on demand allows for immediate printing and delivery from your country or region.

*E-book options coming soon.

Learn “The 7 Steps to Successful Parenting” for Free! This 16 page guide will help you navigate the challenge of building a better parent/child relationship...and it is absolutely free!

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It’s Robert Schramm, from Just 7 Steps. How can I help you?