Being a professional means constantly learning and developing your skillset. We offer important courses and online coaching for teachers, therapists and behavior analysts who want to develop the highest quality techniques to help build cooperation and positive teaching relationships with your students or clients using “The 7 Steps to Earning Instructional Control” as your guide.
With increasingly more challenging behavior coming into the classroom, general and special education teachers, more than ever, need the support of behavior analysis. With our available courses and/or direct coaching, we can help you turn your most challenging children into your greatest successes.
Earning Instructional Control from your clients is the most important skill any therapist can have. It means that you have set up the environment so that it supports you in getting the best possible effort from your client toward your learning goals. Don’t let behavior be a barrier any more. Learn “The 7 Steps to Earning Instructional Control through courses or direct online coaching. The 7 Steps will break the ceiling on how good of a therapist you can become.

If you have been in behavior analysis for any amount of time you have already heard about “The 7 Steps to Earning Instructional Control.” It is THE method for developing positive working relationships with your clients avoiding the need for traditional escape extinction. Learn the 7 Steps directly from their creator through courses and online coaching to become increasingly capable of earning instructional control with any client quickly without nagging, forced physical prompting or blocking escape.